I revere farmers, and the new generation of young farmers is coming on organic and enthusiastic. I revel in their energy and I deeply appreciate their beautiful food grown with love. I buy everything I possibly can 😂👍!

“Yes! Every thing here is grown by my husband and me!” she said. I bought heirloom cherry tomatoes, a bag of arugula, bok choy, and some lettuces.
“You did all this work to charge me only $12???”, I joked, incredulous. “Don’t remind me,”. she chuckled back, “it’s a ministry.”
Food is ❤️LOVE❤️!
Today I learned about Tokyo Bekena lettuce. Read more:

The young woman’s artful bagging shows off the cabbage-like leaf. And it does, indeed, have a flavor of light cabbage. For salads and stir fry.

More adorableness at the Market:
