SO much more roll your eyes back delicious than any store-bought sun dried tomato that you have EVER tasted!! Why? Farm fresh tomatoes, your own herbs, slow and careful drying, rich olive oil. Oooo la la!
After receiving a jar from a friend, (they were delicious!!), I could not resist making these myself. The big expense is in the olive oil, but don't skimp, the good stuff is well worth it.

This is most economical as a late season project when cherry tomatoes, multi-colored grape and Roma tomatoes are ripening faster than the farmers can sell them. Garden herbs are also at peak harvest in September, so this all comes together! Your Holiday charcuterie and gift baskets will be graced by this delicious addition!
Wash the varied small tomatoes and cut them crosswise, laying cut side up. Prepare cookie sheets with parchment paper. The larger round cherry and Romas will take longer to dry, so put them on separate cookie sheets other than the grape tomatoes. Set your oven to 250°.

If you use Roma tomatoes, scoop all the pulp out.

Cover with minced garlic and salt.
Do I cheat? Yes.

If you want your jars to have a heftier bite of roasted garlic, roast whole cloves separately.
Herbs are up to your personal taste of course. I mix rosemary, lots of thyme, oregano and basil, because my garden grows it all. Mince and toss it on before drying or after, it hardly matters.

The smaller tomatoes will take about 2 1/2 hours-4 hour, larger ones between 3-5 hours, Romas could take 5 or more. Test as they dry, they are finished when no moisture is obvious.
Take the dried, finished tomatoes off the sheets every 15 minutes or so as you get to the finish of the process. Use your eyes and fingers to test for wrinkles, shrinkage and leatherlike quality. No moisture. The colors will deepen, an obvious sign. Be patient, the tomatoes will dry at separate intervals. And don’t fear the shrinkage, the olive oil will rehydrate them later.

Sterilize small jars in dishwasher. Wide mouth jars are ideal for easy access with a spoon. Put a bay leaf on the bottom.

Stuff the mixed tomatoes in the jars and then cover with excellent olive oil.

I put plastic wrap over the tops before sealing with plastic lids, then wrap again, then put flat in freezer bags and freeze. Bring to room temperature before serving. Keeps in fridge for a week or two. Keeps in the freezer for 6 months to a year. This assumes they don’t all get eaten really quickly by everyone!!
Will look cloudy in the jar until room temperature, so don't fret.
Serving suggestions? With Brie, of course, but also in salads, pasta, sandwiches, focaccia, etc.. Add olives or capers to zest up!
Ooooo la la!!!
Some photos of kitchen process:
